The researchers suggest that this should go on two levels: a project to publish a more reliable Qur'an translation in addition to bridging the information gap through explaining and clarifying the controversial issues that usually lead to misunderstanding Islam. Thirdly, the paper proposes some insights as to how to take action against the campaigns discrediting Islam. Secondly, the paper explains some of the ways Qur'an translations contribute to giving a false or negative impression about Islam through either deliberate manipulation or non-deliberate mistranslations or inadequacies.

Besides, the translations by the Indian Qadiyanis and Ahmadeyyis encompass major distortions. For instance, the translations of some Shi'ites and those influenced by scientific rationalism reflect some views that may be somewhat different from basic Muslim beliefs. This section also indicates how some Muslim translations have been manipulated to serve certain needs. These translations led to embedding distorted facts in the western mentality that have now become like axioms. This drives non-Muslims to doubt its authenticity being supposedly not of divine revelation. Besides, the first English translation by Alexander Ross entitled The Alcoran of Mahomet highlights a basic misconception spread in the West, namely that Prophet Muhammad is the author of the Qur'an. Firstly, the paper starts with a historical review indicating that the libels levelled against Islam are deeply rooted in the misconceptions propagated by the first Latin Qur'an translations perverted on purpose out of fear that Islam would shake the established faith of Christians.

They either fail to give a precise image of Islam or rather give a negative distorted one.

As Thomas Cleary, a non-Muslim Qur'an translator mentions, Qur'an translations are supposed to provide "an authentic point of reference from which to examine the biased stereotypes of Islam to which Westerners are habitually exposed." However, unfortunately, most of these translations have not fulfilled this function. This importance has remarkably increased in the aftermath of 9/11 with the unprecedented curiosity to know about Islam by reading its very revealed Book.

Dahlia Sabry, The Language and Translation Centre, Academy of Arts in Cairo Ibrahim Saleh, The American University in Cairo (AUC) ABSTRACT This paper pinpoints the important role that Qur'an translations have played in forming the image of Islam past and present. THE ROLE PLAYED BY QUR'AN TRANSLATIONS IN STEERING PUBLIC OPINION AGAINST ISLAM IN NON-MUSLIM COMMUNITIES COUNTERACTING ANTIPATHY AGAINST ISLAM: INSIGHTS IRONICALLY INSPIRED BY TWO NON-MUSLIMS AND MORE.